Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. John 14:23 NIV
Sometimes I think that this verse is viewed as a threat. You know, like when a jealous lover says, “well, if you really loved me, you would…..” And your response is to jump through hoops to prove that you love him/her.
But God doesn’t ask us to prove ourselves. He doesn’t ask us to perform. He doesn’t even want our sacrifices. He wants our hearts. He wants us.
Rather than a threat, this verse is a promise, a declaration of truth, a statement of freedom. You don’t have to jump through hoops to prove you love Jesus. You don’t have to keep your mind on “doing right” if you love Jesus. You simply do right because his love fills you, and you trust him.
But if you’re struggling to follow rules and if you feel obligated to “do the Christian thing,” then you’re not walking in trust, you’re not allowing the Spirit within you to breathe through you. You’re trying to do his job for him.
Instead, simply believe. Simply know. Trust. Trust that He is at work within you, and you can breathe easy and simply enjoy the unforced rhythms of grace.