I facelifted this from a friend who facelifted it from a friend:
There is a Hebrew/Yiddish term "meshugga la davar" which means "crazy about one thing." It is our highest honor and calling to get single-eyed crazy toward Jesus, to be "meshugga la davar" about God. Crazy for Him, hanging onto His every word and gesture, obsessed with Him and possessed by Him.
God has always been meshugga la davar about you. He is your biggest fan. He knows everything about you - - your favorite color, song, movie, book, and dessert. He carries your picture with Him at all times.
And the real reason we are able to be meshugga la davar about God is that He was first meshugga la davar about us. (1 Jn. 4:19). - Richard Murray
I love this word! Meshugga! It's easy to remember because it's like saying "My sugar." And "la davar" is easy to remember because it sounds like "la devotion."
Are you meshugga la davar about Jesus? I sure am!