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The Compassion that Flows from Eavesdropping

Writer's picture: Jackie DossJackie Doss

Do you ever feel like you're eavesdropping on someone's life on Facebook? Several years ago, I met a married couple... a singing/songwriting duo, and friended them on Facebook. we've never seen or interacted in person since we first met. But we occasionally comment on one another's posts.

Okay, it's actually kinda one-sided. I comment on HER posts. I enjoy getting a peek into her life... both her musical endeavors and her family life. As for the husband, I unfriended him a while back because we never really interacted, and I didn't like some of his political posts. No big deal. It's not like we were buddies or anything.

So, a month or so ago, she announced that she and Joe (not his real name) still love each other, and will always be friends, but they're divorcing. I was so sad to hear this. I know what it's like to go through divorce. Gut-wrenching. I was so impressed by the tender way she spoke of him and their relationship.

A couple nights ago, she mentioned that it was his last night with them (her and her daughters) before moving out of town. Again, a bittersweet post about enjoying one last Wednesday evening family tradition.

It broke my heart. And still... I'm blown away by the fact that they were able to live in the same home for a month after deciding to divorce, and still talk of one another as if they were the best thing that every happened to one another.

Blown away.

I couldn't help myself. I went to his profile to see if he'd posted anything publicly that even non-friends could read. Sure enough. A beautiful description of his last week, his feelings, his discoveries about himself and that underneath everything was his feeling of unworthiness.

I wept.

Here is someone who, even with all of the praise he receives as a musician, a songwriter, a producer, a human being.... still feels such unworthiness, even as he is adored by his now almost ex-wife. I pictured him moving away from the life he built here, and from the girls he helped raise.

I don't even really know these people, but I wept, not only because it was obvious to me that at least one of them has no idea how beautifully and wonderfully made he is while the other one holds him in such high esteem, that she wants to tell the world that this relationship is good. I also wept because I also know that at least one of them doesn't know Jesus.... doesn't realize that His love is exponentially greater than the person who writes about him with such respect and love. He doesn't realize that Jesus weeps for him too.

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